You act the way you think.  Therefore, to act sustainably you need to act sustainably.  Pretty simple idea when you think about it.  Many facts we see as absolute are only so if we accept the premises without question.  Consider for instance that the world spins in a counter-clockwise direction.  As such the sun rises in the east and set in the west.  Now suppose that our modern civilization had arisen in Australia, is that fact still true?  Consider the premises that hinge on civilization arising in the northern hemisphere.  I won’t give you the simple answer.  It’s not a brain teaser per se, but it makes you think, and when you start questioning the premises, notice how what should be obvious is not so.  That is how we now have to question everything that makes up our modern world. 

Modern capitalism is full of incredible premises we accept without question that make us think is certain ways.  Are there different models of capitalism that would create different ways of thinking about how money is seen and used?  Hint: consider if you think the world is full of abundance or scarcity – that is what drives the premises.   The rules that govern the concept of the ‘free market’ on which our modern world exists are only valid from one perspective – that of the financial elites that run the market.  It isn’t a free and unconstrained market as the name suggests.  Any honest economist will tell you that.  But like any modern legal system, it is so full of jargon and ‘Double Speak’ that I wonder if most economists truly understand all the premises and nuances anymore.    

The world we live in is full of lies and misunderstandings that make it the unjust and unfair.  And like our modern economy is full of rules and premises that continue to justify ridiculous things that those bearing the brunt of the problems see easily.  Yet they continue to suffer the consequences simple because the ‘facts’ support the way of thinking that is accepted without question by those benefitting from such a system.    

I will not contradict deep seated religious beliefs, because that is an individuals choice.  But I will add that our religions around the planet are all based on premises we accept without question.  As an example, I found this long quote from an indigenous writer’s blog site (Gianna Crow); “I was very young when someone called me ‘sinner.’  I got curious because in our language there is no such word, so I decided to ask my grandfather about it.  He said; there is no such thing, our consciousness does not recognize this kind of word because it is designed to manipulate and put guilt in our hearts.  There are no sins.  What we have is choices and sometimes we made mistakes.  Fear is what people use to take away your freedom, so not allow anybody to do this to you again.

I was watching a clip from the 1960 version of ‘The Time Machine’ and what struck me was how the Innocent and docile ‘Eloi’ frolicked on the surface while the underground dwellers ‘the Morlock’ were predatory providers that really ran the world and conditioned the Eloi much like cattle for Morlock benefit.  A simpler yet equivalent story to ‘The Matrix’ in many ways.  I wonder if H.G. Wells understood how Victorian society of 1895 was not that much different.  Today we have a lot of stuff with which we frolic, but little realizing how society is controlled by predatory creatures who have us conditioned to their designs. 

OK, the bottom line.  We are in the midst of major changes across the whole global society.  For whatever reason, whether it be climate disruption or financial disruption (choose your favorite reason) the world is going to be a lot different in five years than it is today.  It is during these times that we the common people can chose to remake the world.  In the past we just suffered through some dark age recession while another hierarchy slowly rose to take the reins.  We have the chance now to end the old way of greed, hate and separation.  But let’s not misconception about who will make the difference. It is up to us.  We need to show the way for others who haven’ yet woken up to how corrupt the global system has become.    

Wayne Dyer, put it succinctly, “If you believe it will work out, you’ll see opportunities.  If you believe it won’t, you’ll see obstacles.”

Why do I think change is inevitable?  As Hannah Arendt said, “The death of human empathy is one of the earliest and telling signs of a culture about to fall into barbarism.”  But we don’t have to descend into barbarism this time.  We need to stand up and proclaim our heartfelt ability to decide to be nurturers and not predators.   

Think about a world that has purpose and meaning for us where we have the options to explore and express our talents and potentials, to be creative in ways that give us meaning through use of our powerful imaginations.  We long ago gave away our power.  Now is the time to find our individual passions and to actually pursue them.  Imagine a world where we are released from economic restrictions.  We are so conditioned to accept capitalism as it is practiced that we are oblivious to any other options.  As the economic system starts to disintegrate, consider the benefits of decreased centralized systems and a return to local supply chains and local economies.  WE cannot wait until the ‘collapse’ occurs before acting, we, the enlightened ones, need to walk the sustainable talk even if it is not easy at the moment among the corporate giants.  We need to be examples of ‘the way’ that works for wherever we live. 

Many people have retreated to eco-villages, etc., to isolate themselves.  But, our greatest contribution at this time may be to express how to be practice sustainable thinking within the present system.  Imagine children not be indoctrinated by traditional schooling but instead being nurtured to be creative from right brain, where ethe heartfelt emotions derive.   The greeks had a word of authority that had a broader meaning for each individual.  Exousia is a Greek word most often translated as “authority” or “power, but also Jurisdiction, liberty, right to act, ability, privilege, capacity, and strength” It is especially used in terms of moral influence. Exousia can also be thought of in terms of jurisdiction or dominion over a certain realm, right, privilege, or ability.  But it doesn’t have to be a hierarchical authority – it applies to us individually much more so – being authentic and sovereign individuals. 

Nothing is more important than empathy for another human being’s suffering. Nothing. Not a career, not wealth, not intelligence, certainly not status. We have to feel for one another if we’re going to survive with dignity” Audrey Hepburn.

With Love all things are possible.   To Be Continued …………….


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