Did an oops last week and jumped ahead in my numbering of posts.  This week’s is part 18.

Saw a wonderful cartoon last week of a chessboard where the black and white king and queen were dining on a table to the side of the board while all the rest of the chess pieces lay on their sides in pools of blood.  That pretty much describes how our overlords play the game of life using all of us as mere pieces to be used for their entertainment.

After every major negative event, we proclaim, never again, but then only a short while later, we go back to business as usual.   We keep giving away our power to the global Cabal, and have done so for many millennia.   We now live in a world that is so different from any other recorded time in human history.  The hierarchy used to control everything.  Whenever we got to the breaking point we revolted and created – yet, another hierarchy with the same psychopaths somehow taking over yet again.  This isn’t an inevitable aspect of human nature.   It just shows how good the hierarchies have become in manipulating us for their aims. 

What is different NOW is that information technology, while still a complex nightmare of controlled misinformation and disinformation, it actually allows us to see the truth if we wake up to how it has been used to control us.  If there is one single factor that unites nearly all of us, it is the desire for a better world of peace, unity and self-actualization.       

Do we have to hit rock-bottom before we choose to make the needed changes?  I remember saying many times over the past 30 years that we could start the path to sustainability now.  Since the 1960s there have been many people who fervently believed that we could make those decisions, and they weren’t all hippies.  I recall positive email exchanges with Frances Moore Lappe and meeting with staff back during my 2010 sabbatical that helped frame some of my ideas in my Sustainable Living book, and continue to do so today.  Her many books (e.g., Eco-Mind, Getting a Grip 2, and Liberation Ecology) are great tools to help humanity move towards a sustainable world.  Yet, here we are, almost in 2025, still rushing towards the abyss as if there were no problems ahead. 

Lappe’s work, like mine, focuses on changing our mindset from scarcity (Spiral of Powerlessness) to possibilities (Spiral of Empowerment).  For instance, her framework from ‘Getting a Grip’ shows the limiting premise of ‘Lack’ (not enough goods and goodness) that begins the spiral of powerlessness and starts with erroneous beliefs that 1) Human nature is selfish, competitive, and materialistic, so 2) we’re incapable of deliberating to achieve common good, and 3) we mistrust government and trust an impersonal, fixed law – the market – to decide social outcomes, but 4) markets only work if driven by highest return to existing wealth, so 5) monetary wealth inexorably concentrates, which 6) concentrated wealth then infects and warps political decision-making, where 6) power inequities worsen, generating scarcity from abundance and with it needless suffering and destruction of the natural world, such that 7) fear depression and violence spread, where 8) competition and consumerism intensify and our ecology collapses – all reinforcing the limiting premise. 

However, changing the basic premise to one of possibilities (plenty of goods and goodness) creates empowering beliefs that 1) within human nature are deep needs for fairness, cooperation and effectiveness, that show 2) we’re capable of learning the skills of deliberative problem-solving, and 3) democracy becomes no longer a fixed structure but an evolving, values-driven culture we create, with 4) rules set democratically that keep wealth widely dispersed, so 5) markets remain open, competitive, and life-serving as guided by democratic polities, such that 6) political decision-making is freed from the influence of monetary wealth, so 7) more and more people have a voice in problem-solving, such that 8) problem-solving, power, connection and hope grow, enabling 9) progress toward resolving local-to-global crises – and reinforcing the liberating premise.    

While many of the readers of my blog may be awakened, it always seems that the rest of the world seems hypnotized by the illusions of the consumerism-matrix, and too fearful of losing what security they feel they have, that complacency becomes the norm.  I saw another meme recently that proclaimed, ‘Consumerism is the New Slavery.’  I might agree.  But it is a mental slavery, not a physical one!  All that is needed to escape the chains of this bondage is to choose to be authentic and be the example for those doubters too afraid to choose.  The ending song from a new fun dance-musical adaptation of Dickens Christmas Carol, Spirited, says it nicely – be a ripple maker, rock the boat, be brave.

The Great Healing comes with a New Belief system that when we heal ourselves individually by making meaningful choices in which we contribute to the overall healing, by being examples of what being ‘better’ can be.  We awakened ones can lead the way not by creating a new society and dragging reluctant ones into it, but by living our authentic selves as examples of what ‘better’ looks like, even as the samo-samo old world struggles to maintain its grip.  We keep expecting the hierarchy to somehow create this new and better world.  They won’t and never will.  We just start by being examples of a sustainability mindset is and go from there.  As the rest see us supporting each other and thriving in a current crumbling system, they will quickly migrate to our way of thinking.   

I have talked previously about the idea of ‘Locus of Control – LOC’ (e.g., see links 1 and 2) and how having an internal LOC gives one the belief that you can make a difference as opposed to people with external LOC who see themselves as victims of external forces.  Of course, having an internal LOC doesn’t mean that we all have the same capabilities.  We all have different talents and skills to contribute to social change.   

The social change map (see graphic link) and website by Deepa Iyer explains the basic roles we all serve within a system.  “The framework is multidimensional in its use. Individuals, organizations, coalitions, taskforces, and networks can all use the framework to sharpen their collaborations and advance social change.” We have the power.  We have the choices.  We can build the new world we want.  Time to empower ourselves and each other.  We are the only ones to save humanity – no superman is going to arrive.  After 6000 years of this shit, it is time to finally change, and everything is ready for this change – now!   Anything less is to simple keep yielding to the perceived overlords and their controlling ways.       

“If [humanity] is to survive, [it] will have learned to take a delight in the essential differences between [people] and between cultures.  [People] will learn that differences in ideas and attitudes are a delight, part of life’s exciting variety, not something to fear” Gene Roddenberry.

To Be Continued ……..


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