As I watch the comical (if it were not so deadly serious) political scene unfolding here in the USA, and then various elections being held across the planet, I am always struck, not by the lies that nearly all political candidates say in order to garner support (and hence votes to elect them), but by the incredible numbers of people who blatantly believe the lies, especially when it supports their belief structures and hence serve as belief confirmation of their biases. 

I’ve come to a phase of my life where I have worked long and hard on understanding my own beliefs and values and where they originated – rarely with me to begin me, but more as they have developed over the last couple of decades.  I’m at a mellow place where I observe everything without feeling the need to identify with any sides or positions.  Don’t get me wrong, I have firm opinions just like everybody else, but I know where my opinions arise and don not feel any need to impose them on anyone else.  Outside of this blog, few people who know me actually have any true idea of what my range of opinions are.  Do things bother me, you betcha.  War, violence, bigotry, racism, intolerance, sexism, etc… still bother me but I now understand why, and more importantly, why others have all these beliefs about a whole range of things that are at the end of the day are irrelevant.

I don’t have to respect your beliefs.   I do respect your right to hold those beliefs, but the beliefs themselves command no inherent respect from me.  I may agree or disagree with you on a whole range of optics, but I can agree or disagree with you and not have to fight about whose beliefs are correct or otherwise.  Because in the end, beliefs are merely part of your worldviews about how the world functions.  And they are framed through your personal truths you have come to accept.  I’ve talked a lot about truth, so today I will begin a discussion on why we can have such varying truths that separate us.  A lot has to do with the lies you accept.

The two biggest lies we have all bought into for so long we cannot fathom them as lies anymore.  The first is that we live in a world of scarcity.  The second that is directly connected is that we are unable to provide for ourselves and need a hierarchy to provide for us. 

The concept of scarcity being a human-created illusion and how true abundance in inherently encoded into all of the natural world.  Scarcity is a flat-out lie. It’s a fabrication of the human mind. It’s a mindset that’s purported by the media, the world governments and multinational corporate interests. Why? Because the idea that there’s not enough of something creates desperation, fear, anxiety, stress and, potentially, violence. It’s a mentality that makes people easier to control and manipulate, and therefore, not focused on the truth of reality” Jason Wrobel & Whitney Lauritsen.  Read the whole article linked here as part of my blog today – it says just what I want to say, and they have already written it.

As I will talk in the next post, nearly everyone lies to some degree, from little white lies to blatant untruths meant to manipulate us. But the reason we lie needs to be understood in a broader perspective.  I don’t think we are naturally all born liars, but the whole worldview system we have bought into is set up competitively so we need to lie to get ahead.   If we are to heal ourselves and consequently the planet in order for all life to thrive, we need to understand how lies created our current reality.  It’s still a similar theme to what I have spoken often in my blog.  But how we live, the technologies we need and use are all part of the same package we must understand if we are all to thrive in a radically changing world.  Mother Nature is Speaking and we need to listen.     

To Be Continued ………………………


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