A continuation of a fictional reflection by a hundred-year-old Espe from 2112 about the start and on-going movement of transformation to Sustainable Living.  I add clarification links and quotes as needed.

My Father, a great influence on me, was originally grounded in the status quo of recognized scientific information of the pre-Covid era.  He always remained open-minded, yet critical and discerning.  He told me how, like many good scientists of his generation, they trusted the information of the time and believed that colleagues in other disciplines understood what they thought they knew.  Human Population was one of those issues that was talked about a lot back then.  My grandfather told me how most people had been scared since 1968 with the publication of the classic book, ‘The population Bomb’ by Paul Erhlich, who was really just a neo-Malthusian (Belief that as human population grows rapidly, food shortages will create famines, war or disease that reduces the human population).  

I recall as a young woman that most people back then many lamented the problem, but few seemed ready to tackle the issue in a realistic and humane way, except for voluntary family size reduction.  The population bomb had become the rallying cry of many, including the global environmental movement, that we needed drastic population reduction. The country of China between 1980-2015 even had a one child policy in place – but that had created other sociological problems.  My Grandfather (born in 1953) and my professor father had always been iconoclastic in their views about population compared to the general views. It was a complex issue.  I recall my grandparents and parents talking about the issue over the dinner table. 

For a start, anything that was good for a consumer society just increased the population, and anything that reduced the population was seen as a negative (see, VISION – How we focus on what we really Want 2 – Population {May 2018}).  This realization made it hard to actually advocate for a path of real action that would be globally beneficial.  Indeed, it was this issue that made my father become an iconoclastic sustainability professor.  What my father said was that “Our technology moved faster than our morality.”  While our technology (especially in the more developed countries of the late twentieth and early twenty first centuries) improved life expectancy, forces were also at play that would eventually use technology negatively to reduce the population drastically. 

My parents (and their parents) advocated for a change in worldview away from a competitive and destructive materialism to one of cooperative sustainability. We knew we had enough resources for everyone, but the consumer worldview of the pre-Covid era couldn’t seem to grasp that human’s cannot live with an exponential mindset in a finite world, no matter how much technology improved.  

My paternal grandfather had been born when the human population was only 2.5 billion people, yet he saw the population reach 8 billion in 2022, and the exponential growth rate was less than 1% (see, The Exponential Function {February 2018}).  What few realized back then were that the global Cabal had been planning the population drawdown for many decades!  All my great grandparents had gone through the Second World War and knew the horrors of terrible political actions on a population.  Yet, even the more than 60 million deaths during that war, the population had still grown exponentially afterwards. 

We can read how totalitarian regimes of the twentieth century had purged tens of millions of people outside the great world wars of those times.  Genocide had been a policy for many governments through the centuries.  The Colonializing Euro-Caucasians had wiped out tens of millions around the world between the Medieval Renaissance and the start of the twentieth century.  The Turks had killed over a million Armenians during the First World War. In the mid-twentieth century, the Nazi Fascists killed over 13 million while the old Soviet regime had killed over 30 million people, all outside the casualties from the battlefields.  So, what happened after the Covid-era, while horrifying, didn’t seem unusual, but the scale and quiet way in which it had been planned and executed over decades made all the previous genocides through history pale in comparison.           

Even today, our historians debate whether the initial onset of the genocide had been deliberate or was our simple misplaced faith in technology that was coopted by a Cabalistic elite to force a ‘final solution’ to the population issue.  It was no longer mass executions, extermination camps, or purges that dropped the human population number.  We now recognize that we did it unwittingly, but willingly to ourselves.  And the outcome was slow and methodically executed so that we never realized it was happening until numbers of dying became too high to ignore any longer. 

After the second world war, a green revolution was created with the goal of producing more than enough food to feed a fast growing population.  It seemed the right thing to do, and who could disagree with ending world hunger? Scientists used technology at an ever growing rate in what we now recognize was a war against nature.  We used chemical and biological technology to produce crops that could grow anywhere through advanced hybridization techniques and then genetic modification.  We also eliminated pests through the ever-increasing use of toxic chemicals so crop harvests were maximized.  We began food processing to minimize food decay and allow for global shipping of food around the world. We could eat foods all year-round that were once only seasonal.  To use the massive increases of sugar from corn, we added it to every processed food.  Health care systems advocated sugar and demonized fat for decades  It was the Industrial agricultural model that supplanted traditional and healthy farming and gave us food that while ‘tasty’ was slowly condemning tens of millions to early deaths from a myriad of health problems. 

We had gone wild with technology, and scientists working in for-profit industries should have been more curious about the strange side-effects of their work, but they were practical people tasked with solving problems, and they saw solutions that solved a problem.  And the industries would grow to become Trans-National Corporations (TNCs) fixated on profit that ran whole governments and controlled the worlds information systems – they controlled the narrative and minimized the research showing us the harm.  We couldn’t believe that anyone would willingly poison humanity.  In hindsight we see the blatant plan that was perpetrated against humanity, but back most of us couldn’t comprehend that it was not an accidental oversight.        

As if that wasn’t enough, we later realized that the Cabal had hijacked the medical industry back in 1920 to get people to take industrialized medicines.  A new business model meant that the agricultural system paired with the medical system to control our food and our health.  Most of the global pharmaceutical industry of the pre-Covid era was predicated on treating the very illnesses and symptoms that came about because of our diets and of the plethora of toxins now prevalent throughout every part of our global ecosystem.  And apparently that wasn’t quick enough for the Cabal.  After more than a century of poisoning humanity with bastardized food and euphemistically named industrial medicines, the global population started declining.  By 2030, we had not risen much about 8 billion because of the lost-term losses from more than a century of 100,000 artificial chemicals (especially Endocrine mimicking chemicals) that had been taking its toll on human reproduction.  But, as we now know, in the 2020’s the Cabal had gone into overdrive with the Covid era!                            

Categories: ESPEPopulation


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Pathways to a Better Future – Espe part 7: Population Drawdown – part 1