Propaganda works best when those who are being exposed are confident that they are acting on their own free willJoseph Goebbels.

I watched the historic series The Last Kingdom and what struck me was the way that it was all about the fight for power.  That is the power of kings to rule over vast tracks of land and by default the people living on that land.  Besides the brutal push for power, the other thing that struck me was how common people had to swear fealty to whatever lord happened to be in charge at any specific time.  This might be because of ethnic identity (e.g., Saxon vs. Norse) or loyalty to a place. If you go to any war in history, it is the common person who fights and suffers all the hardships and yet rarely gets any benefits, often, the best option being able to get home intact.  How much choice did they really have?  What factors deigned them to choose specific sides based on tribal or clan loyalties.   In The Last Kingdom series, sides were decided by hierarchical agreements to defend one kingdom against another one that might have been an earlier ally, such that allegiances changed based on the greed and power of the various scheming lords and power brokers.  So how does a common person come out ahead of these kinds of politics?  And as importantly how do the hierarchy convince people to give up whatever little they may have to fight and die for a lord? – in a word – propaganda.  Remember, those who control the narrative control the reality of what we believe, and the simple consequence is that we yield our own sovereignty to them – ever wonder why they called themselves ‘Sovereigns.’  “Those that control the stories rule the worldPlato.  

 I read with interest how the U.S. Dept of Homeland Security have recently developed a ‘Disinformation Governance Board (DGB).’  It has already been nicknamed the ‘Ministry of Truth’ after George Orwell’s book 1984.  It seems to be happening everywhere.  Spain has had this ministry for some months already literally called ‘Ministeria de la Verdad (Ministry of Truth).   I have already written quite a bit about false narratives and False Flag events at the start of this blog (e.g., How the control Happens {January 2018} and The Hierarchy {February 2018}).  Most people recognize that their governments bullshit them, yet adherence to the mainstream narrative keeps them in line, either through fear or actually believing that ultimately, the governments must be telling the truth.        

In my post ‘More on conditioning 3 – More about False Narratives and how to Recognize Them {December 2019}, I talked about Edward Bernays, the psychologist who revolutionized persuasive advertising in 1928 and also government control (e.g., the Nazi movement) through the techniques of propaganda.  Even when we know it and expect it, after more than a hundred years of practice, the techniques are now so sophisticated in getting compliance, only the fully aware and discerning catch it now.  I’m sorry, but if all you read and see comes from the mainstream media, then you have been fully propagandized – the truth as you know it is exactly what authorities tell you it to be.  Inconsistencies within the narrative tend to be ignored until they can’t; then you get cognitive dissonance, but that can take a while to start disengaging belief structures.           

The purpose of propaganda is to make one set of people forget that other sets of people are human” Aldous Huxley.  Abuse of trust and consolidation of power creates fear, want, and hardship in a population, which are prime reasons for creating separation based on numerous factors such as race, wealth divide, or political differences.   The push to blame then demonize others for one’s perceived problems.  And even when we suspect misinformation, as often happens in plain view such that we know that they know that we know, but they do it anyway, because we have been conditioned to accept it as normal.  Reputedly, at the International Military Tribunal at Nuremberg in 1946, Hermann Goering was asked how he got the German people to accept Nazism.  He allegedly responded: “It was very easy, it has nothing to do with Nazism, it has something to do with human nature. You can do it in a Nazi, socialist, communist regime, in a monarchy and even in a democracy. The only thing that needs to be done to enslave people is to scare them. If you manage to find a way to scare people, you can make them do what you want.”  Whoever really coined that phrase, it says it all succinctly.  And the reason we can accept it – fear – but as FDR said, “The only thing we have to fear is fear itself”. 

Who is the arbitrator of truth in your life?  Is it you or the authorities that give you the information you use to make a decision?  And yes, regardless of where or how you get your information, you make a decision on what you trust as valid information.  For the last two years I have heard memes like ‘Trust the Science’ as a way to shame people into complying with the lockdowns and now the C19 jabs, but cherry-picking data that supports your position is still propaganda as much as is outright lying.  We’ve heard it through use of GMOs, pesticides, The Green Revolution, etc., as well as the use of double speak or doublethink as George Orwell coined it.  Double speak is different from outright lying.  “A lie refers to anything that gives or is deliberately designed to give an incorrect impression. Doublespeak on the other hand, refers to a language that deliberately distorts information by making some seriously bad information to look or sound good and acceptable to the intended recipient.”  For instance, is the statement applied to the C19 jabs, is ‘safe and effective’ a lie or doublespeak.  Well, it can be both.  There are some minor side effects,” when they should clearly be stating, ‘This may cause serious harm,’ is doublespeak.  To say ‘effective’ without mentioning it is relative effectiveness, not absolute effectivess, is doublespeak; stating it is ‘safe’ is a lie because there were almost no safety studies done, and certainly no long-term studies.

Propaganda is meant to be misleading and manipulative in order to push an agenda such as helping a population want to go to war (e.g., False Flag event), but today it has a purpose at which even Edward Bernays may have balked.  Through the use of social media and mainstream narratives, we now have a means of social restructuring through the use of social engineering (the use of centralized planning in an attempt to manage social change and regulate the future development and behavior of a society).  Once you become aware it is happening it is easy to consciously resist, but most do not recognize it is happening and are therefore being led to a new way of living desired for us by the cabalistic hierarchy.  In an earlier post, (Empowering ourselves to Change part 2 – A new Society through Self-Integrity {May 2020}) I covered the difference between traditional slavery and neo-slavery.   The difference between a technocracy and slavery is that slaves are fully aware that they are not free” Nassim Nicholas Taleb. 

Wherever you live you will notice how freedoms have been taken away for the common good.  The lockdowns of the last two year being a key example.  The W.H.O is currently trying to get a ‘pandemic treaty’ to be the global controller of all future pandemics.  So, who will lead this group?  Certainly not elected leaders, but hierarchical technocratic appointments and billionaire Bill Gates.  They did such a magnificently awful job of managing Covid, what else could go wrong?  I am still amazed at the numbers of people (the true believers) who still believe the mainstream narrative and are still rabid in shaming those who will not get the jab.  However, I have converted a few by getting them simply to look at the ‘Vaccine Adverse Effects data’ (e.g., VAERS in the USA, Yellow Card in the UK, Israeli People`s Committee in Israel) and to question whether the harmed numbers are acceptable.   Expect more propaganda and absolute censoring to come with truth tellers not only being shamed but criminalized, unless we take our future back as we  want it and not as it is being pushed onto us.  “The further a society drift from the truth, the more it will hate those who speak it” George Orwell.  The global environment is the way it is because of decades of propaganda to socially engineer the majority of the world to accept the inappropriate technological rollouts that are always touted to be human and planetary saving but are always ecological disasters benefitting only corporate profits. 

To Be Continued ………………          

Categories: BeliefsPropaganda


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