“You are afraid to die, and you’re afraid to live. What a way to exist.” “There is no truth except the truth that exists within you. Everything else is what someone is telling you” Neale Donald Walsch.

A bit of a deep rabbit hole dive today.  Many of the modern problems we face stem from information and the dominant narratives that drive our lives.  By its very definition, science is a process that is always uncertain, and always seeks more information to understand the complex and seemingly chaotic mechanisms that move the universe.  But today, we more and more have the problem of ‘settled science’ being used as a controlling factor.  For instance, during the last pandemic we were endlessly shamed into compliance with ridiculous mandates (and still are) by the statement ‘Trust the Science’ as if it were some finalized and objective truth.  The censorship of any other narrative is evidence that the science to be trusted is the propagandized version that suits the needs of the hierarchical puppet masters.  Even the concept of consciousness is driven by dogma’s arising from a mechanistic-consumer worldview that thinks of the universe as if it were a clockwork mechanism merely waiting for us to figure out the complexity of cogs and wheels that move creation along.

Neurologists, with absolutely no evidence, presuppose that consciousness must exist only within the synaptic connections of a living brain.  And that has become the dogma ultimately justifying human dominance of the planet as a ‘dead thing’ to be used.  There is overwhelming and myriad evidence for consciousness being so much more than mere synaptic firings, but most of it is either theoretical (e.g., quantum theory) or non-experimental, i.e., is not, or not convincingly replicable.  Billions believe in life beyond death through religious teachings, and as many from anecdotal yet direct experience (e.g., Out of Body or Near-Death experiences), yet the mechanistic dogma persists because only ‘experimental science’ can apparently give valid answers.  Yet, it is amazing how much science we trust that itself is only based on associational or correlational research (I address this more in a much earlier post, Reality Check on Research {March 2018}).

If you are willing to let yourself explore the newer theories of consciousness – e.g., quantum physicists like Nassim Haramein and Fred Alan Wolf, (earlier post, The New physics and Cosmology parts 1-4 {October 2020}), or parapsychologists like Dean Radin – you get unusual experimental science and math that puts consciousness as something far beyond simple brain activity.  I explored this earlier in my blog (The science of Metaphysics {March-April 2020}) and to summarize, the whole universe is a singular energy that exhibits consciousness.  The Big Bang seems to be a consequence of this consciousness seeking to explore itself.  And as such, everything in the universe as we see it, is connected as one consciousness that individuates as points of attention.  Some of these points of attention have varying levels of self-awareness, one being humanity.  In our human level we live in a dualistic world (polarization of everything) in which we choose with free-will (both consciously and unconsciously) on everything that happens to us, both individually and collectively.  For the past few millennia, humanity has chosen many of the negative polarizations – war, hate, fear, manipulation, control, famines, ecological destruction, technological toxins, separation, etc.).  The time has come for us to choose the positive end of polarization – I think that as a species we have learned enough about hate, war, and indifference to finally leave it behind.    

Most have heard of intuition, gut responses, sixth sense, or synchronistic hunches that give us information beyond what we actually sense with the regular 5 senses.   That information derives from our consciousness outside the ego.  Indigenous people did, and still do, understand and trust these intuitive heart centered messages instead of relying on just pure left-brain logic.  I have talked at length about this (e.g., The Non-Solid Universe 1 {March 2018}) so suffice to say, we humans are pure consciousness expressed through ourselves as individuated metaphysical beings that are having a physical dualistic experience.  All of the natural world exhibits this differing only in the level of awareness (intellect), but having the same conscious intelligence driving the physicality.  Think how impressive all living and ecological systems are in thriving within any conditions.  Your own body goes about its daily living (e.g., metabolic processes and cellular interactions) without any conscious thinking on your part.  Yet the physical body is continually reacting to external stimuli such as never ending stress, fear, environmental toxins, and your own unconscious belief systems.     

Athletes know that aware bio-feedback can alter the body’s ability to perform better, and unaware and unconscious feedback can do the same.  Our individuated thinking (conscious and unconscious) also affects the whole group consciousness.  When we accept the controlling narrative, we end up with the world as it currently exists.  Think about all that is wrong.  Most of us know it.  We have wars, but how many of us actually want war.  There are conflicts going on all over the world, yet how many feel that war is a good solution to anything.  For instance, in this recent conflict of Russia and Ukraine, once embroiled within it, the aggression and violence escalate as territoriality (old tribalism) and survival mechanisms kick in, but do the Russian and Ukrainian people actually think that killing each other is a good idea.  The hierarchy do and manufacture lots of reasons and propaganda to convince everyone why they need to fight.  After each big conflict we always say, ‘Never Again’, but nothing changes because we always drop back into unconscious conditioning propagated by the hierarchies we entrust to run our states.  The pandemic was the same.  The hierarchy tells us the C19 jabs are ‘safe and effective,’ but how many of the hundreds of millions of people rushing to get the jab did so out of fear and because they believed that simple statement.  I now ask people what data they used to confirm to themselves that these C19 jabs were safe and effective, and nobody yet has told me anything except they believe the authorities, the same authorities that support war policies and destruction of the planet through support of profit driven mega-corporate systems.       

Think about why medical placebos and nocebo’s work.  Because of unconscious beliefs that they will or will not work.  Most people live unconsciously and through ego.  If we think consciously and are aware of every thought as it arises, we start to sense information from our metaphysical selves that shows us a better and more loving way to live.  Our ego’s love trauma fed by fear, but our higher selves want love, peace, joy, happiness, and connectedness. “Life is meant to be messy, it’s how we learn and evolve, but that doesn’t mean we have to live in fear when we can just as easily live in Love” Richard Jurin.                           

For those who have already awakened to the realities of how cultural and societal conditioning controls our lives, we are now at a threshold of global change that we can control if we make that choice for ourselves.   After millennia of learning through trauma and suffering we are literally ready to learn through peace and healing.  Imagine moving from violence to discussion, from hatred to understanding, from disagreement to agreement to disagree, from nation states to community and individual expression.  Fear of any kind always keeps us trapped within the conditioning.  Love brings us the courage to say ‘no more’ and to stand up for something different and better than what we currently have.  Imagine a sustainable world.  Imagine a world where business brings us the best products that promote health and vitality of all life, where we accept differences as positives, where our decisions are made on whether anything is good for life, instead of profit.  We live in a world of resource abundance but have been conditioned to see the world as a fight for resources – that is not an accident.  ‘What If’ we work with nature instead of against it, humanity and all life will thrive.  Becoming conscious means, we see reality as it is and not as a narrative being given to us that keeps us unconscious and hence compliant to the powers that be.  We change individually, then we change as groups, which changes humanity as a species.      

We are a very smart species, but we need to use our consciousness to evolve and become an intelligent one that exhibits wisdom and compassion for all lifeIt’s time to wake up and evolve into the best version of ourselves that we can be.  Anything else is simply more of the same Crapola” Jurin.


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