The last person to trust with power is someone who is dying to have it. The best person to wield power is someone who is reluctant to do so, but who will do it for a while as a civic duty. That is why term limits should make it impossible to have a whole career in politics Thomas Sowell

Some days I start out with an idea for the week’s post and then it morphs into something completely different as ideas just flood into my mind and I then have start editing myself to keep it to one main theme.  You are not free or liberated until you no longer care about what anyone thinks about you.  It is then that you start to be your authentic self, think independently and develop integrity. 

Too often, we keep focusing on what we do not want instead of placing our emphasis on creating what we do want.  I once heard that a great sage was once asked by an activist group to join an Anti-war protest, but said No: however, if they were ever to do a Pro-peace march, would consider joining in.  We get so caught up in trying to change the existing political systems with rules and laws to get a better world, that we lose track of what it is that we want – a better world, not just one that struggles along!  The self-indulgent, consumer, capitalist system is an aberration to how humans want to live.  Consumerism seems attractive and the corporate controlled political system goes out of its way to give us this vision, but more and more we are waking up to the fact that consumerism is a dead-end lifestyle that builds stress, destroys ecosystems, creates more poverty than it eliminates, and allows cabalistic transnational corporate controllers to colonize almost everything in our lives.  Even the internet is now colonized and controlled by the big tech giants in Silicon Valley and it was supposed to be a liberating agent in our lives.   

The past year should be a wake-up call for how our freedoms have been slashed under the pretense of protecting us.  Generating fear is the weapon that allows the hierarchy to control us.  In alternate media you read about hundreds of thousands of doctors and lawyers fighting against this messaging of fear, but how many politicians do you hear about fighting to release us from this tyrannical control?  We keep fighting to tweak the broken political systems that are supposed to protect us and our environments but it always seems like an uphill battle for as some environmental laws are made, they later get weakened or repealed.  We live in a system of fear at multiple levels and it is debilitating us.  And this system is becoming more centralized, more hierarchical, and more controlling all the time, because people are afraid of this that or the other – manufactured fears to keep us in line.  

Health passports – Another example about who we trust and who we grant to have authority over our lives.  This is potentially a globalized and central plan of control in order for you to simply enjoy your everyday life that includes travel and interactions in public places – Big Tech and Big Pharma with governmental support are making decisions to increase corporate and state power that is a recipe for a major step to a Big Brother kind of world. 

Speaking as a biologist, did we need a health passport for small pox, diphtheria, and a whole host of other diseases from the past that once plagued humanity?  The current beliefs, still based on Pasteur’s Germ Theory of Disease from the 1860s, are that being jabbed technically protects you from catching that disease, because you are immunized.  And, according to this theory, if you do not get the jab, then you run the risk of catching the disease but why are you a threat to the jabbed ones?  I’ve looked at all manner of reasoning on this and none of it makes biological sense, especially considering our current knowledge of the immune system that shows the Germ Theory is incorrect.  Immunity comes from a healthy immune system and rarely from a jab. Our knowledge about the immune system has grown since the 1860s and it is much more complex than most laypeople realize, but our education about it is still set from an 1860s and not from a 2020s base of knowledge.  The health passport is simply another nefarious layer of control that people are too willing to accept to get back to normal, and the hierarchy use fear to get acceptance. 

We have been so indoctrinated about the efficacy of Jabs that we do not even think to question them at all.  Indeed, we support them with rigorous enthusiasm because the political and corporate talking heads tell us what want to hear about safety.  Whether it is true or not is irrelevant as we let them control the dialogue, which most people never check or critically question.  The hierarchy are seen to be protecting us from fearful problems, and whether these problems are that real or fearful is irrelevant.  We have stopped thinking for ourselves and have come to accept whatever is given to us as we struggle to ignore all the real ecological problems, because we fear losing a consumer lifestyle that we bought into and that isn’t serving us at all anymore.  Again, as I have said often in this blog, we have become distractedly focused on Standard of Living and not Quality of Life (e.g., Reframing and Visualizing a New Society 1 {March 2018}).  

Now putting on my Community Educator hat, Brazilian educator Paulo Freire (along with others like Sir Ken Richardson) criticized modern education for its view that learners (this is true for K-12 and adults) are simply empty vaults waiting to be filled with the accepted information – the Banking Method of dogmatism to prepare workers for the work force – what the hierarchy needs.  Freire talks about Liberating Education that consists of acts of cognition, not simple transferals of information.  Problem-posing education breaks the vertical patterns characteristic of banking method education.  It becomes the practice of freedom and empowerment.  Through dialogue, the teacher-of-the-students and the students-of-the-teacher cease to exist.  The dialogue is crucial for it empowers both to learn from each other making all jointly responsible for a learning process in which all grow.  We put power back into our own hands and not invest it in a hierarchical system that thrives on power for its own sake, ignoring the people.  Yet, people persist in believing the hierarchy still believe care about us.  They don’t, they are psychopathic, and yet they gush about wanting to give us better lives while creating ever more problems they never seem to be able to resolve to justify their continued existence.  Most don’t trust them but they lead us still!  When is enough, enough?

I spent to many years invested in the notion that the hierarchy along with many of us educators would somehow lead us to a better world where Sustainability was a real focus.  Sadly, I now see that liberation to a sustainable world that we are looking for will have to come from us.  We must take back our power to create the world we want.  It’s the reason I now spend so much effort on our sovereignty.  It comes from us at a local level and not from the U.N. or any other centralized hierarchical system that will ultimately enslave us further.  

Socrates always insisted honesty was a basic virtue and also in questioning every belief which does not sound rational.  He talked about the unselfish character of the society.  “The ones who plant trees, knowing that they will never sit in their shade, has started to understand the meaning of life.” “This is the whole point of living, and helping others find this truth is the most important thing we can do each and every day” (Rabindranath Tagore).  It’s about real community with empowered independent thinkers who work interdependently for the common good of life everywhere.  It’s about real integrity.  It is true that integrity alone won’t make you a leader, but without integrity you will never be one.” Zig Ziglar

To Be Continued ………………………


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