The Great Reset is an attempt to create a plausible impression that the huge winners in this system are on the verge of voluntarily setting greed aside to get serious about solving the raging crises that are radically destabilizing our world.”  Naomi Kline

The above quote comes from an article by Kline on this years (2021) Davos meeting of the World Economic Forum (WEF), which is basically all the richest people, bankers and major heads of state (it’s a lot like the Bilderberg Group but without the secrecy) getting together to figure out how to keep their economy working without asking us, the people, to comment on their plans.  What is important to thing about is that all the actions by the various elite economic hierarchical groups (WEF, Bilderberg, Club of Rome, etc., take your pick) are the continuous and blatant separating of the ‘common’ people further from the power structure that runs the global economy.  Naomi Kline calls this set of billionaires and their ilk, the ‘Economic totalitarians.’  The great reset is about rebuilding the economic system that runs the world.  We can simply let these totalitarians make the decisions or we can.  We need to build the economy from the bottom up if we are to avoid being completely taken over by a centralized global system being created and managed by the cabalistic hierarchy for their benefit.

Before you throw up your hands and complain that we have no power, think again.  I have said this often; they only have power because we let them have it.  The minute we decide to claim our power back is when true change for the better will occur.  As Kline further comments: “This messaging is gaining traction, not because people are suckers but because they are mad — and they have every right to be. Lockdown policies have demanded months of individual sacrifice for the collective good without providing the most basic collective protections to keep families from slipping into starvation and homelessness, or to keep small businesses afloat. Meanwhile, trillions have been spent to backstop markets and bail out multinationals, and pandemic profiteering is rampant. Is it any wonder that so many find it entirely plausible that the same elites who expect them to swallow all the coronavirus-related sacrifices while they party in the Hamptons and on private islands would also be willing to exaggerate the risks of the disease to get them to the accept more bitter “green” medicine, for the common good?”

What we should be demanding is complete transparency and to stop buying in to the fabrications that this hierarchy use to control us.  We need local movements from our local neighborhoods upwards, with localized power and economies, and democratic decentralized systems working cooperatively.   Sounds a bit of a mouthful, but it is essentially refusing to buy into the crappola of fear and separation being pushed on us via the mass media and to look at what unites us all (that interconnectedness I talked about).  What most people do not realize is that we have a global system of ever-increasing monopolization.  The USA had this economic plague in the late 1800s when the Robber Barons tried to take over country but were thwarted by that popularist President Theodore Roosevelt.  In most countries the same story was occurring and these hierarchies were also thwarted by mass movements from the common people saying enough is enough.  Of course, the great fear promoted by the elites at that time was socialism that supposedly promoted the cause of the Russian Revolution.  We certainly do not need that kind of social experiment again, but note how social democracy in the Scandinavian countries shows how a new kind of capitalism coupled with social democracy can function well. 

We need to avoid the build-up of further monopolism without resorting to the totalitarian extremes of the old USSR or modern China.  We mustn’t forget that we are sovereign individuals not fodder for some Marxist or fascist hierarchy to take way our individual rights as human beings.  We also need to avoid getting lost in conspiratorial elitism that distracts from the real need dialogue of poverty, group privilege, racism, etc., that must be front and center to our cultural stories and what we tell ourselves about who we are. 

So, how are we to begin telling ourselves a new story? First, we need to get back to understanding our cultural histories and how they have been manipulated to keep us separated.  For example, in Nazi Germany it was the Jews that were blamed for everything.  In Europe today it is the mass migrations of war and environmental refugees that are being blamed for economics problems.  In the USA, every minority (the Irish, the Italians, the Czechs, the Native Americans, the African Americans, etc….) in the last 200 years has been blamed and victimized for economic downturns that occur every few years.  Every time we have a downturn or depression in the economic system, why is it that the ‘mass media news’ plays into the blame game and never questions the elites that get richer every time.  This is as true of the recent Covid times as it has been throughout history.  They play us for fools and we let them get away with it.  Let’s not forget who owns most of the mass media.        

Again, as I have said many times in this blog, the hierarchy needs us but we don’t need them, no matter how appealing or convenient it seems at times to have them around.  One of the big signs we saw in the last year with Covid was the lockdown to cause continual erosion of small and medium businesses and yet foster the further rise of the multinational giants.      

While one person cannot make a difference, many of us acting together can change the world. Japan in the 18th century was a fractured country controlled by powerful warlords (each like the slender fingers on a hand) each pushing their own power agenda’s, yet when the entire country was threatened by an outside enemy they banded together and the fingers became a fist.  It is about interconnectedness and how we chose to live under a philosophy of the platinum rule.  In practical terms we can start when we decide our actions by how we can still use our economic spending power.  If we chose to support small businesses instead of the mega-corporations then the economy stays local instead of funneling upwards to the elite economy (e.g., see earlier post The world Economy – are we really doing better?  Measurement is everything! {Aug 2018}).  

If we can create a new society of our choosing then our descendants will speak of us with praise.  If not, then the hierarchy will prevail for as long as they can before whatever system they put in place (e.g., a Hunger Games system) fails under its own weight of corruption.  I love a quote that Graham Hancock uses quoting Greek Philosopher Solon on the fabled mythological residents of Atlantis; the Atlanteans failed because, “They ceased to wear their prosperity with Moderation.”  Power, control and greed seem to be the factors that define the hierarchy.  If we do not like it then we need to start making the decisions.  The Great Reset is here now and how we now chose to act will determine humanities future for decades to come.  Some aspects to think about in the next post. 


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