I went online and looked at many varying opinions about 5G and health effects.  Like most issues, the opinions were quite polarized.  It really came down to the telecom industry and scientists (most that were connected to the telecom industry in some way through employment or research funding) saying there were no health effects.  Then there were the independent scientists and health advocacy groups presenting research showing health problems.  I followed the path of the ‘research’ to determine its validity for myself.  Like much in our modern world, it comes down to “follow the money trail.”  Those whose profits will be hurt trumps the hurt that will fall on everyday people having to deal with the fallout of inappropriate technology.   Simply put, there are no telecom or governmental watchdog safety checks planned for the 5G platform launch.  It is literally “Generally Accepted as Safe (GAS) without any reason to presume it so.  The assumption being that radio waves haven’t harmed us so why should microwaves. 

For most of us in the developed world, the microwave over is a standard feature in the kitchen area of the home, and in most hotel rooms you will most likely fine a small microwave oven.  One notable feature of this type of oven is the latched safety door with its 1 mm meshed view screen (microwaves at 120 mm length cannot pass through the screen, but visible light can easily move through.  When first introduced, it was recognized that the very action of the microwaves that heated up the food or liquids in containers within the oven would also do the same to living tissue.         

Modern microwave ovens operate at the frequency 2,450 MHz.  Keeping it really simple, the microwaves cause heating via dielectric heating – the energy of high-frequency electromagnetic fields changing to thermal energy.  Oven microwaves interfere with mainly hydrogen molecule orientation that causes it to vibrate – this excessive vibration produces heat.  It’s one reason that water and fat molecules get hotter faster – they have more hydrogen molecules in the molecular structure.  The higher power in the microwave oven allows it affect more molecules simultaneously, thus heating the food – the higher the wattage the faster the heating.  So, the oven is more than simply microwave radiation, it is the power and the microwaves combined that gives them the ability to heat food.  A high wattage oven will heat food much faster than a low wattage oven, but even at really low watts the microwaves can still cause molecular heating effects.  While cooking a pound of beef at 1000 watts might take a mere couple of minutes, at 10 watts it would take hours, but the key point here is that it would do it eventually.

There is a lot of research on how microwaves affect biological systems.  There has been much research on weaponizing microwaves, as we have seen in the last blog post concerning crowd control, where subcutaneous skin heating producing intense burning pain.  A truck-mounted 95 GHz microwave dish heats the top 0.5 mm of the skin, unlike a 2.5 GHz source that would penetrate 1.3 cm of flesh in the same amount of time.  Much research from medical and biological sources show that there are both thermal and non-thermal effects.  Thermal effects are present with high-power and high-frequency microwaves (as demonstrated with the crowd control), while non-thermal effects are present with low-power microwaves.  It is this latter situation where most of the debate (if complete denial of data can be construed as part of a debate) is centered concerning the 5G platform.  To summarize, microwaves at sustained low levels have been shown to negatively affect the nervous system, cardiovascular system, immune system, endocrine system, reproductive system, production of stem, and also multiple aspects of the brain.  Don’t just take my word for it, look it in the U.S. National Library of Medicine.  Some of the Health effects include oxidative damage (which leads to tissue deterioration and premature ageing), disruption of cell metabolism, increased blood-brain barrier permeability, melatonin reduction (leading to insomnia and increasing cancer risks) and the increased probability of DNA damage.   

So, let’s get back to the 5G microwave telecom system.  If the telecom corporations get their way, we will have an environment made up of small cell antennas everywhere radiating microwave around the clock with millimetre, milli-wave and microwave radiation transmissions far beyond anything we have ever experienced from the EMF spectrum.  And this isn’t just us humans.  The whole of our natural environment will also be radiated by these microwaves.   Don’t forget, the plan with 5G is to ensure you are never more than 100 feet (30 meters) away from an active signal point of the 5G Grid, and the telecom people (along with governmental subsidies) are willing to pay trillions to connect the world.  Even meteorologists are concerned that communicating with global satellite systems will be affected by this 5G technology.     

The biggest problem is not whether there is, or is not, harm that may occur from 5G technology, but the fact is that the telecom industry does not want ANY testing what-so-ever, and lobbies aggressively to prevent any testing.  Scientists from many governmental regulatory agencies (including the U.S.) have petitioned for more research.  The Europeans with their ‘Precautionary Principle’ mentality, are having difficulty getting the research done.  One positive note more recently from Belgium, Céline Fremault , Brussels’ Environment minister, was quoted as saying, “The people of Brussels are not guinea pigs whose health I can sell at a profit. We cannot leave anything to doubt.”  I think that statement sums it up nicely – if there are doubts, then let’s test the system rigorously before we implement it.  The planet is already the guinea pig for a host of other technologies that were rolled out without ant serious forethought (again Ghyphosate is a prime problem). 

There is no doubt that during the last 30 years, fast internet (wifi) technology has made an incredible difference to how we communicate on this planet.  We will soon create this change on a global scale such that antennas will be everywhere and microchips will be present in virtually every technological device (including our bodies) that we have just so we can be connected wirelessly to the Internet.  Unrestricted connectivity sounds good, but it makes me concerned.  The potential for unprecedented environmental and health damage on a global scale is real.  We will live within a toxic EMF soup created by millions of new transmission towers, billions of transmitting devices, and tens of thousands more communication satellite’s above our heads that will be hundreds of times greater than we currently live within.   And all I hear is, “Wow, I will be able to download streaming video  in seconds now with no loss of quality.” 

What can we do?  Make a push for serious and transparent research in to the affects of EMF that we are to be bathed in 24/7/365.  Let’s implement the ‘Precautionary principle’ for all new technology rather than the ‘Innocent until proven guilty’ technological approach the U.S. currently uses.  “Precautionary principle” – Industry cannot introduce anything until it is thoroughly tested and shown convincingly to be harmless.  “Innocent until proven guilty” – Industry can introduce anything it wants and people (Government) have the burden of proof to show danger and/or harm is present. I am not a technophobe, but I would like to know the technology I am using promotes health and not harm anyone.

“The people I distrust most are those that want to improve our lives but have only one course of action in mind” Frank Herbert.  Add to that the corporate profit at any cost mentality and you ought to see why I have reservations about the overall outcomes of environmentally untested technology.       


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