“What we have at many levels in our world is denial of the obvious.”  Richard Jurin

Although this goes against the grain for most religious people, we a multidimensional beings playing at being human.  We have been doing it for a long time in this linear time frame we think of as reality.  We love to live in polarity where good-bad, right-wrong and a whole slew of polar opposite judgments define who we are and how we live, and especially what makes others different from ourselves.  All this has been covered in this blog previously.  We play victim and perpetrator and have this blame game that justifies all manner of negative reactions against the others.  Our brains are actually wired to show compassion and to be collaborative yet we continue to live competitively and then to complain about how that doesn’t work for us. 

Neurobiologists used to talk about the left and right hemispheres of the brain:  Generally calling the left brain the analytic and rational side and the right brain the creative, imaginative, and spiritual side.  Paul D Maclean has described the brain further as a triune brain.  The oldest evolutionary part of the brain is the Lizard brain (Brain Stem and Cerrubellum), which is basically the autopilot that controls our body – fight and flight response, and the autonomous functions that happen throughout our body that we do not have to consciously think about.  (You don’t have to remind yourself to breathe, have your heart beat, or tell your organs to do what they do automatically without any thought from you.)  The slightly newer more advanced part of your brain is the Mammal Brain (Limbic System) that manages the higher functions of thinking; emotions, memories, habits, and attachments.  The part of the brain that makes us uniquely human is the Human Brain (Neo Cortex – frontal lobe), which handles language, abstract thinking, imagination, reasoning, rationalization, and the ambiguous consciousness (our sense of who we are).  Our brains are capable of amazing things, but we have allowed ourselves to become victims to a system that controls us from cradle to grave.   

“People have given their health to the doctor, their money to a banker, their soul to the preacher, their children to the school system, and in doing so have lost the power to control their lives.” Rolling Thunder.

Memory is not stored in the brain.  While certain parts of the brain can be stimulated and a memory is retrieved, it has been found that if that region of the brain (that was stimulated) is damaged or removed, the memory still exists – ultimately this fits with the idea that the brain’s field and activity is truly holographic and exists outside of the brain itself.  The brain is equitable to a processing chip in the computer – it allows processing of information from this holographic field into this realm we call the physical realm, but is itself not a part of that informational field.  In previous posts (non-solid universe 1-4 and reality 1) I cover how consciousness seems to be the holographic field.   Much research evidence from placebo (fake pills and fake procedures that work) and noncebo (real drugs and real procedures that fail to work) demonstrates time and again how the mind itself, when it believes or doesn’t believe, creates the outcome.  A central theme in consciousness research clearly shows how emotional patterns that are carried through our lives affects our health and mindset right from the fetal stage. 

The subconscious mind remembers everything in our lives.  Much of it can be retrieved under hypnosis, yet everyday thinking doesn’t realize it is there – multiple levels of trapped emotions that dictate our behavior.  Think about how you automatically react with fear and anger to ‘incidents’ that crop up daily from drivers cutting you off on the road to people giving you hurtful comments and criticisms.  Why do most people consider being asked to do a public talk fear it so much that it is considered worse than dying?  We are conditioned to be victims.  But we don’t have to be.  We can ‘recondition’ ourselves to NOT react from conditioning but to respond with mindful responses.  We can use our consciousness to change our behaviors and also influence those of everyone around us.  I am always amazed at how many people want to make change so that they can live sustainably but fear the actual change process that may be involved.  They would rather remain a victim than step up and be a change agent.     

When we automatically react from these trapped emotions the biochemistry of the body leaps into action.  Neuropeptides get secreted that trigger the fight or flight response.  The sympathetic nervous systems stimulate the adrenal glands triggering the release of catecholamines, which include adrenaline and noradrenaline.  This is great if you are really in danger, but when it is a reaction only to a trapped emotion – a memory – it creates a buildup of ‘stress’ that is detrimental to the physical body – eventually producing illnesses and metabolic disorders. 

Our emotions are meant to give us information about the world around us, but conditioning makes us react to memories of similar situations from our past as though they were happening now.  Rather than our rational interpreting the situation each time, our conditioning (emotional baggage) informs us that it is the same event and threat we faced before.  We therefore view our reality through our emotional state and everything is interpreted by that emotional state.  For example, groups of people were shown pictures with equal number of pictures for funerals and weddings.  When asked about whether there were more pictures for the funeral or wedding, the answers corresponding to the state of happiness or sadness of the person.  Depressed and fearful people saw mostly the funeral, while happier people saw mostly the wedding.  What has been found is that most people consider life happens to them and they are merely victims of circumstance with which they have to cope.  However, the rest of the people were unusual in that felt more empowered because they responded to life from a position of personal control.  Further research shows that once people awaken to a connection of themselves outside the conditioning, they are no longer affected by emotional baggage.  They learn to live in the present moment without conditioning of the past and anxiety about the future.  Abraham Maslow referred to this state as ‘self-actualized’ and many spiritual gurus call this as simply ‘enlightened’ with a realization of one’s higher consciousness. 

The next question ought to be about how is humanity is kept in such a reactive and fearful control system when it doesn’t have to be.  I have talked about control a bit so I will discuss how our minds are ‘Entrained’ to be this way and what we can do about retraining our minds so we make decisions to live the way we want to live and not the way we are controlled to accept.         


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