This next collection of posts builds on previous posts (The non-solid universe 1-4) and rational for its connection to Living Sustainably (Transformation not Reformation – Reclaiming our Power is a Spiritual Transformation NOT a Mental One – even deeper down the Rabbit Hole). 

Until relatively recently, metaphysics was always the sole preserve of philosophy, and ancient esoteric mystery schools.  (Definition: The study first principles of things, including abstract concepts such as being, knowing, substance, cause, identity, time, and space.)  By its very nature, we are talking about a realm of study that does not fit classical science in which variables of interest can be manipulated and physically measured to create predictable observations.  In the ancient mystery schools the knowledge that was amassed always talked about energy flows and vibrational frequencies.  How this knowledge was collected and understood is the mystery that science has always poo-pooed for the last 300 years.  After all you cannot just plug in a probe attached to some kind of meter and measure the energy that these mystery schools talk about.  Mystery schools are ancient spiritual teachings that have been passed down through the ages.  A couple of modern examples of their existence are the Higher echelons of the Free Masons and the Rosicrucian’s, although there are many often generically termed the ‘illuminati.’ How the mystery teaching are used defines them as ‘good’ or not ‘so good’ in relation to helping humankind or the Cabal respectively. I said we are going a little way down the rabbit hole.     

Imagine that you could time travel back to 1500 and the city of Florence to talk with Leonardo DaVinci, possibly one of the most brilliant persons in history.  After you convince him that you are from the future and that many of his inventive ideas would ultimately be physically created, you mention it is because of electricity.  While he might understand the theoretical ideas you explain to him, being the skeptic he must have been, he asks you for proof.  You forgot to pack an AVO (amp, volt, ohm) meter with you, and even if you did you have nothing to plug it into to show electricity flowing.  You could build a simple electrical system (being the physics student you are) from citrus fruit, iron rods and copper wires but you still don’t have anything to easily demonstrate electricity is working.  That is a lot like metaphysics.  Scientific theoretical thinkers have long postulated about the metaphysical world but recognize it is something that could not be measured, until recently (more explanation to come).  Before we leave Leonardo, it is interesting to note that he was a master of mystery school teachings (as most scholars were throughout history until only this last century) and would have understood metaphysics quite readily.

We are so used to thinking and observing the world through our five senses, yet it is known that we have more senses we can utilize that we all have but which are now ignored and forgotten.  We often refer to these senses collectively as our sixth sense, something beyond our normal realm of ability to see, hear, and touch.  The evidence for this sixth sense is overwhelmingly supportive but it is not experimental in nature, it is nearly all qualitative (correlational – see earlier post Reality Check on Research) in nature.  Most of our current belief systems stem from a fixed and rigid focus on an impartial mechanistic universe that runs on fixed physical laws established by scientists like Issac Newton and philosopher’s like Rene Descartes in the seventeenth century – the age of Enlightenment (or age of reason).  We live in a physical world with physical bodies but we have access to different realms of metaphysics that exist outside the physically we think is absolute.  I’m going to keep it simple, but this is all part of the quantum physics (micro-physics) that explains reality and life differently than traditional physics (macro physics).  Physicists have been trying for years to find a grand unifying formula that explains everything micro and macro in a single elegant mathematical formula.  They had been unable to do so, but within the past 20 years have found that adding a specific factor seems to create that long sought after bridge.  While mathematically it works, how does one actually measure that factor? – consciousness!!  At the macro levels, space, time, and gravity are computationally relevant, but at the smallest micro levels (beyond the Planck constant), these factors become irrelevant.  At the macro levels everything is particles and apparent solidity, but at the micro levels everything is waveforms of energy (see prior post The Non-Solid Universe 1).  

 What we think of as solid is actually mostly space.   Indeed, if you could look at any atom you would find it is 99.999999999% empty space.  So, what about the particles that do exist in this space?  Well, a classic experiment showed that when you take two equal particles (e.g. electrons) and send them in opposite directions (as in a super collider) and then influence one particle with a magnetic field, the particle going in the other directions exhibits the same response to the magnetic field even though it is not in the magnetic field.  What this means is that the two particles are connected across this space.  In macro physics, particles are said to be non-local – that is they are not able to affect each other – but this experiment show the particles to be local – that is they are in the same vicinity even they if they were on opposite sides of the galaxy (or further).  Similar experiments show that not only are the particles local, but they are also NOT particles until we observe them – they are waveforms that exist as a continuous stream of connected energy.  So, who or what is doing the observing that makes these waves become particles?  Our consciousness does.  And where is this consciousness located?  It is a part of this whole micro quantum energy field – indeed, it seems to be the field itself.  Consciousness is everything – the universal energy itself.  I will end here for now, yet suffice to say, even though we cannot measure it until now, it opens up a whole universe of reasons for why we need to start playing the ‘earth game’ by a different set of rules than the ones that create fear, hate, war, jealousy, injustice, guilt, shame, and other ‘negative’ things, making life on this planet a hard place to be.  



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